Kids Crafts

by Fliss

Arts and Crafts and Messy play for under 5's, Hourly sessions held at Catshill Village Hall on Fridays Term time 10.30am.

Each session includes 3 art activities which you can take your little ones master pieces home. We accept children 9months - 5 yrs.

We provide clean aprons but suggest that they don't wear their best !!, we also provide washing facilities and towels.

Each week is themed and the themes are based on the Early Years Foundation Goals, but we are about stimulating the senses in children to encourage their development and to also have fun whilst doing it.

We have free play in the session as well where the children are encouraged to move around the messy play time where we have tubs of different senses to explore, each week different and could be anything from Water, sand, jelly, gloop, leaves, twigs, apples, to cake mix, jam, cold tea with tea set, etc the list is endless.

Everything is picked to be non-toxic and washable.

The price is £5.50 per session but if you pay for the term you get a free session and other benefits of sibling discounts, invite a friend for more info go to or phone Fliss on 07868944725

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Apr 02, 2012
Free Session
by: Fliss

Summer Term special offer - Free session for new customers - please book as limited numbers

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